Friday, December 5, 2014

Tech Tip (15) -- Google Self

So I googled myself, and since my name isn't very common, google immediately came up with my correct google address. After scrolling down past all of the Facebook pages that are close but not quite my name, I see it correctly on a chess database, on google sites, and on google plus. Though the last two are expected, it is strange to see my name on a chess database. I haven't competitively played chess in awhile, so though I know it's there, it's still a bit strange. I was never that good, so my rank is pretty low. Ah well.

Week 15: Famous Last Words: Thanksgiving and Dead Week

Well, Thanksgiving was a blast! And a long needed break from life, if you know what I mean. I was glad to see my family once again, and eat delicious food.

We actually ate a traditional American and a traditional Indian dinner, in that there was a giant turkey sitting in the middle of our table that we hungrily tore at (kidding, we just pass it around) at when the food is set and everything, but there were still traditional Indian components such as rice (like lemon rice) or pachadi (that weird, liquidy spice made from pickled vegetables; I swear it's a thing).

I didn't do anything for Black Friday -- we never do, since stories of trampling crowds are never appealing. The crowds are always hectic, but apparently this time they weren't bad, because the deals for Black Friday at some places, such as Best Buy, extended from Thanksgiving to about 2:30 am on Black Friday. So it wasn't that special in some sense, and the crowd didn't get as riled up.

Anyways, I'm excited for Winter Break! But not finals. Below is an inspirational message for me and for anyone wanting advice on how to make it through finals...

Oh, Dead Week
(A Tribute to You)