Friday, August 22, 2014

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

Though I wasn't that impressed with the design of The Lost and Forgotten blog, I was intrigued by the title and more so by the introduction. What an interesting backstory! I loved that a collector gathered items he believed were in fairytales from all over the world. This storybook consisted of tales told by a collection of overlooked Japanese artifacts, which I thought was really unique as well. To top it all off, the author was an exceptional writer.

I would have overlooked Battle of the Heroes when I first read its first sub story, Siegfried, because I had no idea what was going on (since, like an idiot, I forgot to read the introduction). What stood out to me in my confusion was the clear, descriptive writing -- and that made me go back to introduction. I'm grateful I did, because not only is the writing awesome, but the idea behind the storybook is an ingenious way to tie the tales of the unrelated warriors together. The author decided to imagine an organization in the future that traveled back in time to gather the best of certain groups to create different TV shows.

I'm glad I stumbled upon Legendary Creatures Stand Up, which was well-written and funny. Creating an annual convention where all the mythical creatures meet up and talk about their experiences with humans is such a creative way to do a storybook, partly because it allowed the author to tell each creature's story in a TV-show atmosphere. This is the first storybook that I've seen approach each story from such an angle. With its hosts Ms. Britney Chupacabra and  Mr. Rex Unicorn, different mythical creatures were interviewed about their interactions with humans. And the great thing about that is you get to see what it's like for the other side and how the many of the creatures view humans.

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